Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BLK Homework 3 -Continuity Sequence

These are the two versions of the continuity clips we did, one is the actual one and the other is the edited one.

What worked?

  • We used a VLS as an establishing shot to give the audience an idea of the setting. The shot also includes panning and this follows the action of the subject in the scene. 
  • The shot transition from the VLS to MS of the two characters worked quite well.
  • Match on action is quite good throughout the clip, as the shots seem to flow.

What didn't work? 
  • The actual accident itself seemed a bit unrealistic.
  • There were a lot of background noises.
  • There was an error in the narrative’s continuity as at the end the person who called was not seen in the shot.
  • The way the lunch card was dropped was slightly unrealistic and unnatural.

Overall, the continuity in the clip worked fairly well, however with a few changes it’ll be even better. I would also try out a wider variety of shots in the clip.

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