Thursday, October 18, 2012

DYM Homework 3- Title Sequence Sound Analysis


The music starts from the beginning of the sequence, making the title sequence more entertaining and attention grabbing.

The music also reflects the genre as it highlights both the animation and action aspects of the film.

The drums come in later, which adds to the action displayed on the screen.

The music is synchronised to the cuts of different shots, which adds a positive effect to the pace of the sequence.

The brief silence when ‘The Incredibles’ title comes up, emphasises the title of the film as it is very subtle.

Title Sequence

The sequence highlights the different settings in the film and portrays the themes and ideas present in the film.

Each character is introduced with outlines of the figure, this raised questions on their appearance. Along with an outline of the figure, their special power’s theme is presented.

Each person’s name is mentioned in a stylish and super heroic manner, to suit the theme of the film.

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