Enigma Code
(0.07) what actually happened and how did happened?
(0.11) why should it not go out to the public?
(0.14) will they succeed in what they intend to do?
(0.33) what are they trying to attack/protect the public
(0.48) what Transformer is that? Are they good or bad?
(0.50) will the army survive?
Action Code
(0.18) the screens with all the different camera images of
the area suggest that a serious and big mission is going to take place.
(0.20) the number of men and the weapons they’re holding
makes us anticipate a massive shoot out and a lot of explosions.
(0.30) the smoke suggests attacks have taken place in some
(0.44) the image shows something dangerous is around.
Semiotic Code
(0.02) the shot from the view of the helicopters suggests
the problems are taking place in America .
(0.03) the man instructing and ordering everyone, suggests
he is the leader of the team.
(0.07) they are working together to solve something, which
they had failed to do before.
(0.31) they’re running to do their instructed duties, suggesting
they have a time limit and it’s a very serious thing.
Cultural Code
(0.21) they’re wearing the army gear, suggesting they’re specialised
(0.48) seems like a vacant building, tells us it’s going to
be an action packed event. (seen in other films of the same genre).
Symbolic Code
(0.48) the unknown- we
don’t know who the Transformer is.
Evil, as the attack seems dangerous and therefore harmful to
the civilians.
Good work so far, Jeremy. Your analysis is of a good standard and shows solid understanding of the theories covered in class. One point about your Barthes HW: some of your action codes seem confused with your semiotic codes. Make sure you also check your work for typos.